Demo system can be accessed at:

Out of the box you are provided two users that can login to the system:

  • [email protected] – this is the administrator user that will have access to all features of the system. It is recommended that you add a new user in Logins panel (menu under Users) with your own email you have access to and then give this user Administrator privileges. Skipping this step will PREVENT you from being able to reset the password should you forget it as [email protected] is not a mailbox you have access to. Also since this is not a registered user on, you CANNOT use this user to subscribe, test your payment methods, get a free trial, etc. 
  • user@ – a dummy user that you can use to login to see the experience your customers will get once they login to the system. Since this is not a registered user on, you CANNOT use this user to subscribe, test your payment methods, get a free trial, etc. Instead register an email address that already has a Plex account.

Passwords for both accounts are the same: 


Demo site is reset every day at 7:00 AM UTC. This means that any data you entered will be deleted and site will be reset to defaults.


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